FINALLY setup my D-LINK DCS-900 - with Password Problems
With the help of one of our newest contractors (my cousin Max), we setup a DCS-900 netcam. It is pretty basic: a lens, ethernet adapter, and power supply. The beauty is its cost: less than $100!
When I got home tonight, I tried it again from Internet Explorer and was able to get in. I changed the password and was then able to access the administrator controls from Camino (Mac's Firefox) as well. Woo-hoo! Increased the image size to 640x480, synchronized the time with my ntp server, and smiled. Cool! Now I need to find the mounting bracket and we'll be done. You can see the base pretty good in this picture:

Here's a copy of an image from my DCS-900:
We had it up and running in about 15 minutes, but then when we tried the password, it wouldn't work! I read on newegg that there were several people who had a similar problem (new admin password not working, unable to reset password, etc.), so we shelved it for the time being. |
When I got home tonight, I tried it again from Internet Explorer and was able to get in. I changed the password and was then able to access the administrator controls from Camino (Mac's Firefox) as well. Woo-hoo! Increased the image size to 640x480, synchronized the time with my ntp server, and smiled. Cool! Now I need to find the mounting bracket and we'll be done. You can see the base pretty good in this picture:

Here's a copy of an image from my DCS-900:
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